Wednesday, May 30, 2007

You Said "Testimonials"? Here are some!

Rare is a microsite which really hits the ball out of the ballpark with testimonials so many and so good that they almost sell the product by themselves.

Here is one such microsite that should be studied by all copywriters and marketers as to how the testimonials should be handled:

1) There are so many testimonials on this web site that you cannot even count. You end up saying "I'll be darn - even if only half of them are telling the truth it still is amazing!"

2) Almost all of them are accompanied by real names, real towns, and PHOTOS of real people. Very effective. The fact that some of them are riding horses or in sports gear earns EXTRA BONUS POINTS since this is a site about getting rid of back pain.

3) There are quite a few sound files, ready for you to listen. Now you decide ALL of the testimonials must be true.

Also note how they are offset from the main body text with a light green screen. It is important to visually differentiate the testimonials from the rest of the text for easy reading.

By the time you reach the end of the page you KNOW that this product works, definitely.

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