Thursday, April 24, 2008

On Radio, Have a Domain Name that People Can Remember

I always have my radio on when I drive.

Here is a law office commercial I heard today, followed by the instruction to visit their web site:

"Visit us today at Kimmel, Wellerstein, Zimmertwolds..." etc etc, one of those long typical law-partnership names (I made up this particular one).

And then comes the kicker -- the anchor actually starts to SPELL OUT each and every letter in the DOMAIN NAME!!!

"... that's, double-u, double-u, double-u, dot, K, I, M, M, E, L, W, E, L, L, E, R, S,..." on and on and on...

Good Lord! What do some people think when they put together these incredible commercials? That we have an IQ of 300?!

Who can remember such a loooooong string of letters? What a waste of money.

My advice: get a domain name that people can actually remember when they hear it for the first time. Then forward it to your existing site.

Surely is taken. But what about "" or something like that?

Some of those domain names I'm sure are also taken but you can find one that's available and also easier to remember than that dreadful "double-u, double-u, double-u, dot, K, I, M, M, E, L, W, E, L, L, E, R, S, ..." disaster.

Use your common sense and ask yourself if you could've remembered your domain name if you were driving in your car and heard it on the car radio?

If you can't, perhaps it's time you select another easy-to-remember domain name for yourself and FORWARD it to you existing domain. That way you don't need a new web site either.

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