Friday, May 18, 2007

Comparing Autoresponders Feedblitz vs. Aweber

Autoresponders is one of the must tools that should be used by all serious bloggers and online marketers. It is an excellent way to keep up with your readers and clients with minimum of effort.

Here is a brief comparison of the two autoresponders I’ve used in the past:


Major advantage: it’s free. You can broadcast your blog content automatically to your list.

Also has: double opt-in subscription engine. It eliminates people subscribing other people without their consent.

Support: so-so. You are basically on your own.

Questionable feature: number of subscribers are displayed under Feedblitz’ subscription box. That’s great if you’ve got 10,000 subscribers but it looks bad if only 2 people have subscribed to your newsletter.

Major drawback: you cannot schedule an e-mail campaign well in advance, with certain pieces mailed out on certain days.

Visit for more info.


Big advantage: You can not only broadcast your blog content automatically to your list but you can also schedule an e-mail campaign well in advance, with certain pieces mailed out on certain days.

Also has: double opt-in subscription engine. It eliminates people subscribing other people without their consent.

Major drawback: it costs $19.95 a month.

Note: Aweber allows an “infinite” number of autoresponders for multiple websites.

Support: very patient people answer your questions politely and they never give up on you.

Too many configurable features to count here.

Visit for more info.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Using FeedBlitz you *can* schedule autoresponder posts. It's all described at

Sorry to hear, however, that our support has somehow disappointed you - please do drop me a note personally and I'll see what we can learn.