Tuesday, May 22, 2007

An 11,158 Word Sales Letter

Most of the time my clients think an online marketing copy should be as short as possible in this day and age of short attention spans.

But, believe it or not, that goes against the practice of some of the most successful online marketers today.


When a targeted group of potential buyers are about to make a decision to purchase a very expensive product or service, they do not mind to read as many supporting arguments and as long a list of benefits as possible. The logic of "short is better" simply stops there.

In a previous posting I have mentioned a financial newsletter subscription letter distributed by Agora Publishing that was over 7,000 words.

Today I have received a well-crafted sales copy from American Writers and Artists Institute, promoting a 3-Day $9,000 seminar that was over 11,000 words!

There is a lesson there for all copywriters and direct marketers.

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